Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6th Part 2

6:00 pm workout
2 miles
@22 minutes
Lower body weights

So after a very fun and somewhat taxing day at work, I took a short nap and then while the chicklets were at dance, I decided to go to the gym again. My gym doesn't charge me twice in one day. I can go as many times as I want in one day on the same punch pass. So I ran and then did some weights which have been lacking in my routine all week long. HOWEVER, my first mile was only 9 MINUTES!! That's the shortest mile I have ever run! I was completely worn out but totally stoked for the accomplishment. Needless to say the next mile was lack luster and only for good measure. But I did get my heart rate up for most, if not all of my workout including the weights. I was still out of breath walking out the gym doors. It is an awesome day for exercising.

I have also decided to start the "No eating after 7:00 pm" rule to my diet. That way all of my hunger can be satisfied with my hips and not munchies. I'd much rather have my body burn stored fat over newly digested ice cream.

I'm afraid my Diet Coke addiction is going to cause me a problem.

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